Thursday, May 18, 2023

Another Demolition

This is another demolition at what was once the Long Island Lighting Company generating station.  Many of you will remember my chronicling the demolition of that huge plant over what must have taken a year.  This much smaller structure is across the street from where the generating station was.  So this is what is called a "Substation" and it was a beautifully constructed brick building of perhaps 5 or 6 stories.  So the main structure was built around those heavy black I-beams you see at the top of the photograph.  To the left of that are thinner beams which are behind the main structure.  I think they may still be in use - there are all kinds of transformers and high voltage lines on huge insulators within that structure.  But I have no idea what was once inside the brick building.  They had removed everything before they began demolition.  And I photographed this in infra-red because there are those trees covering up parts of the building, and the infra-red helps separate the tree from the buildings.


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