Saturday, November 18, 2023

This is So Silly...

This is such a strange photograph!  It makes me laugh to look at it, and I am posting it because it is so bizarre!  BUT.  This photograph has a practical purpose, believe it or not.  I went to the ophthalmologist the other day to get my yearly examination and he found that my prescription needs to be changed slightly.  So I have decided to get glasses at one of the online companies.  I have previously bought a single prescription pair of glasses to use when having meetings on Zoom.  That was a worthwhile purchase and I saved a bunch of money.  So I have decided to get new bifocals and a new frames as well.  I think I am saving something like $200 in the process.  So I have the prescription from the doctor, but the ordering process requires knowing your interpupillary distance.  I called the doctor back and the receptionist said I had to get that done at an optometrist.   OR, I though, I can do it myself!  So I had Kathy take a close up of my face, holding a metric scale just under my eyes.  Then I opened the photograph in Photoshop, and enlarged it to full screen and saw what the distance between my pupils was.  So you see there was a real reason to do this.  But it still looks strange!  It makes me laugh at myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did not realize this was you at first glance as I am trying to read what name is on your ruler. You are silly and brave. Jonathan has ordered glasses online. I was afraid to try it as my eye doctor would measure and mark the lenses for bifocals at 3 or 4 times the price. I may try Costco next time as it would be one third of the price or more.