Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Seeing Our World From the Air

New York to Los Angeles today, for a visit with our girls, and Miss Vivian.  I took a billion photographs out my window  all the way.  I had not noticed who was sitting in the seat in front of me.  But when we descended to about 5000 feet on our approach to Los Angeles airport, I suddenly noticed this young boy looking out of his window.  He never took his eyes off the ground as we continued to descend.  Fortunately he was not aware that I was photographing him.  Clearly he was riveted to the scene outside his window and how different the world looks from the air.



Anonymous said...

Maybe we crossed paths in the sky as we were on our way home from California...Ronni

Ken Spencer said...

I bet we did! We were in the air for 5 1/2 hours. Took off at 11 AM NY time, or 2 PM California time! What time did you guys fly?

Anonymous said...

We left at 12:30PM after spending a wonderful 10 days with the girls and their families☺️

Anonymous said...

He is totally focused on what he can see out the window! Betsey