Sunday, September 22, 2024

I Lied...

 Well, I hate to tell you this because I promised I would tell you how I got the photograph of the three speedboats on the river.  But today was a busy day, and we got up early and went to the city for something.  And THAT will be another post, I promise...  So I didn't have time tonight to post the story of the speedboats photo.  So this is kind of another mindbender photo, I think.  Any idea what this is, from first glance?  If you click on it, the "things" that are in the photo will be obvious at least, and maybe that's a help.  Here's another photo of the same thing with a better clue, I think.

OK the answer to today's mystery.  It is the wall and stairway in a place called City Winery on Pier 57 in Manhattan.  It is a restaurant and a wine bar, and it has a small event space.  We went to this place because of what was in the event space.  But that is going to take two more days for you to hear what we saw there.  Man oh man one puzzle after another with me these days...  Patience, please.  But this is an astounding thing to see, an entire wall made up of empty wine bottles, right?


Anonymous said...

This is very cool looking.
And now I need answers to 2 blogs…Betsey

Anonymous said...

Cool photo.