Sunday, September 29, 2024

Painting the Church

I was cleaning out the darkroom, and found this framed photograph.  I had forgotten about this picture.  I took it about 40 years ago, with my 4x5 camera.  I carried that camera with me in the car, just to have, in case I saw something interesting.  I was driving through Bridgehampton out in the east end, and drove by this scene.  It stopped me in my tracks.  I have never seen a church that looked like this with all the white paint stripped from all of it, and then with the scaffolding around it.  It was such a strange scene to see, a classic white church like this!  It was other worldly!  I realized at the time I had a really interesting photograph, so I cut a mat for this 4x5 inch black and white contact print, then framed it and left it in my darkroom, where I found it the other day.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is amazing to see this dark colored church covered with scaffolding. Sad to think that you framed it but it never saw daylight. Betsey