Friday, October 11, 2024

Gymnastics Class

We had fun the other day because we got to go to Vivian's gymnastics class and watch all the children go through their exercises.  This is called, apparently "The Turtle."  They had the children warm up and then bounce along on some long trampolines and work their way around a kind of obstacle course, and then, on a really soft spongy floor, do a forward roll.  Most of the children enjoyed their exercises, and every mother had their phones out to photograph their kids.  I was lucky and had brought a 200mm telephoto lens and was able to get this close up image.

I always take a lot of photographs of course and for some reason this was my second favorite one of the day.  Not sure why, except maybe it was to show the size of the children or something.  Here their coach is about to explain the next series of exercises that the children will perform.



Anonymous said...

Great shot of Miss Vivian in Turtle poise. Can your body do this? :-)

Ken Spencer said...

My body will NOT do that! :-)

Anonymous said...

So glad you had your telephoto lens so you could capture Vivian in her “turtle” pose. Betsey