Friday, August 2, 2024

Ghosts in the Garden

When we arrived at our Bed and Breakfast, we saw these ghosts in the garden.  When we first saw them late in the afternoon, it was cloudy and they looked like this:

I was really excited and thought that they looked like ghosts. I thought that I had my shot with this image.  Then the next morning before breakfast I saw them in the early morning light, backlit, and shot some more photographs.  I spent time thinking about the difference between the two different versions, and chose the first one I posted.   Stan says this version, above, is "flat" and he is right.  It is not as interesting as the first photograph.

This is a close up of one of the ghosts.  What they really are, are blueberry plants covered by netting so that the birds can't eat the blueberries before the people who live here do!



Anonymous said...

Amazing how the lighting changes everything. Glad to know they are blueberry bushes. My first thought was protecting shrubs from frost.

Anonymous said...

What a difference between the two photos. Stan picked the right word to describe the 2nd photo. The first one with the elongated shadows is so interesting. I never really thought of blueberry bushes being so high. Betsey