Friday, December 7, 2012

Strange Landscape

This landscape fascinates me - the juxtaposition of the mechanical and the natural world. What also makes it interesting is the strange quality of the light - it was taken very late in the day when the natural light is very blue, and this combined with the reddish light from the mercury vapor lamps around the facility. I didn't take too many pictures because the security guard hassled me, and this time he brought two big guys in hard hats. They, of course would not listen to reason, about whether or not I had a right to photograph. Next time, I will call the police - this is getting tedious.


Anonymous said...

Where was this? I want to continue my studies into security theater. Maybe setup a large equatorial mount instead of a mere tripod ;)

Anonymous said...

2555 stmiesI love the bright patches of yellow - the painted concrete and the bushes - jumps off the screen! bsk