Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Estate Sale

Every once in a while, the marine salvage company down the road has some items for sale.  On this particular day they were having an "Estate Sale."  Really?  Does this stuff look like it is from an estate?  I did find an interesting used book but I can't imagine bringing any of this stuff home to furnish the house.  And all of this is less than appealing, given that it is all in the dirt!


Anonymous said...

$5.00 for a table for a college dorm room would be a good deal - you can throw it away at the end of the year! I used to pick free stuff off the curb during bulk pick-ups in Milford. You never know.

Ken Spencer said...

Joan: Not something I would have thought of! Good suggestion.

Anonymous said...

Your exposure to estates must be limited to the exclusive homes you shot for the Newsday magazine. But there's also this scenario: someone dies, leaves a bunch of stuff family members have no use for, so it gets sold at an estate sale. Yes, there are estate sales of the wealthy, but most of these events are offerings of everyday people who spent too much money on stuff and had no desire to get rid of it, even after the clutter became a bit much. A lot of people now call them "tag" sales and buyers line up for them.

Ken Spencer said...

It sounds like you are describing all the stuff I have in the basement, and in the attic, and in the garage... :-)