Friday, August 23, 2024

Poof! Gone!

On Monday, I drove by this house on my bike ride.  I have been passing it for about 18 years now.  It is in an upscale neighborhood.  On Monday there was a temporary chain link fence around the property and inside the fence there were stakes and orange tape.  There were two giant dumpsters in the driveway.  Uh oh...  That didn't look good.  This is one of my stops on my route where I write down my times.  So I decided to take a couple of photographs with my iPhone, shooting through the chain link fence.  I should have done one photograph showing the chain link fence, but I didn't.

Here is a close up of the front of the house.  It looks fairly modern, and attractive with the stone facade.  Well, guess what.  It is ALL GONE now in just a few days!

When I drove by today I was stunned that everything was gone, and so quickly!  The dump truck is in the way, but you can see some debris on the foundation in between the truck and the dumpster.  That's all that's left.

And here's another photograph showing where the garage and the dumpsters were. Here's the crazy thing, I looked up the value of this house and property, and it was $1,900.000!  There is a lot of land here, so I expect to see a McMansion here soon.  So stay tuned and I will show you what I see.  As I think about this area that I ride through, I have seen at least 5 or 6 houses, just offhand that were torn down and new mansions built,  in the last ten years, just in this small neighborhood.  It is the way of the future.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sad that a decent house is torn down to make room for a large house. Betsey