Tuesday, August 6, 2024

"Stare at This..."

One of the exhibitions at Mass MoCA is called "Like Magic."  It is difficult to explain, but try reading this:  The ten artists in “Like Magic” explore their own relationships to what I think of as technologies of magic—including devices, talismans, rituals, and incantations—and the points at which technology and magic converge. These technologies are not the props used for stage magic, like rabbits in hats, or scarves hidden up sleeves, but rather are tools created by humans to help them survive and thrive in a chaotic world.  This black table sits against a dark gray wall all by itself, so naturally I was drawn to get closer to read what is written on the card.  What a wonderful idea, and so simple!  You will have to click on the image to see it large enough to read the message.


1 comment:

Betsey said...

It would be magic if you could stare at the artists’ message and and your worries would disappear…Betsey