Monday, August 5, 2024

The Pipes

This installation of concrete pipes is by the artist Taryn Simon.  The pipes are open at the top as part of what you can experience in a pipe, but that was a problem.  When I crouched down to enter through the opening at the bottom, I nearly slipped in the water on the floor of the pipe because it had recently rained.  Unfortunately I had not read about what these pipes were all about before going inside.  It turns out that the pipes are a space for reflection, impromptu performance and play, or stargazing.

Visitors are encouraged to explore the space physically, vocally, and musically.  It never occurred to me to make any sounds when I was inside, and I wished that I had made some sounds, but I never thought to do that.  I guess I will try that on my next trip.



Anonymous said...

Love the photo looking up through the pipe at the sky. Next time you will have to sing or talk in a deep voice or clap your hands. :-)

Betsey said...

The openings in the pipes look small but obviously they are big enough for people to get inside. If I had not read about the exhibit, I don’t think I would have tried making noise either! Betsey