Thursday, August 15, 2024

To Brighten Your Day

I still have some things "left over" from Mass MoCA, and this is one of them.  The museum refurbished a complete four story building, just so they could install an enormous number of Sol LeWitt paintings.  The exhibition is overwhelming in its size and an joy to explore.  There are so many different types and colors of painting it would take me a month to just give you a hint of the variety of his work.  In total he did 1,350 "wall drawings" which are permanently painted on a wall, rather than on canvas.  It was a gray day and raining by the time we arrived at this building, and this was one of the first paintings I saw.  It is called "Wall Drawing 915, Arcs, circle, and irregular bands."  Doesn't this just brighten your day!  Imagine a whole room - a whole floor - of bright paintings like this!  I found a website with a great explanation of his work an a number of his other designs.  You can find that website HERE.



Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing the link to his story. It is hard for me to imagine that he would create designs for other artists to paint. The exhibit at Mass MOCA must have been exhilarating. I did like his Wall Drawings #564 and #711 but modern art is not my style.

Anonymous said...

I like the bright primary colors. They are fun and cheery! Betsey