Friday, October 12, 2012


This is hardly a significant photograph, but I just have to show it to you. I went cycling yesterday under impossibly blue skies from the horizon to the zenith. When I stopped to rest at the end of my ride at the harbor, I was just marveling at how clear and blue the sky was. Just drinking in the color was a sublime experience. So that's why I am simply showing the sky to you, instead of giving you a more complex photograph.


Photodude Images said...

Why is the sky blue?

Ken Spencer said...

Easy. Because when the white light from the sun passes through our atmosphere, the longer wavelength red light passes through the air molecules undisturbed. The shorter, blue wavelengths, however, are scattered by the air molecules. This scattered blue light is what makes the sky blue. I think...

ken schwarz said...

Why is the water blue?

Ken Spencer said...

The water is not blue. The water *looks* blue because it reflects the sky.

Anonymous said...

"Ask Mr. Wizard." Wasn't that a TV show in the 50's or 60's?
You could fill that role easily!