Friday, August 19, 2016

The Hole in the Fence

As I rode my bike past one of the golf courses I pass every day, I noticed the Cumulus clouds on the horizon, and they are beautiful.  At first I kept on riding and then thought: "Hey, stop and shoot this!  What's wrong with you?"  So I turned around and went back.  As I got close to where I wanted to shoot, a young woman with a backpack came out from where the fence was.  I was wondering how I was going to get a clear shot, because the fence has vines growing on it.  I parked my bike and looked  to where the woman came from, and found a hole in the fence.  So I went through the hole and managed to get this shot.  I thought the clouds looked so much better in black & white.


Anonymous said...

Stunning in black and white!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Joan, stunning in black and white.