Saturday, February 25, 2017

Dinner in Manhattan

A little further south on Fifth avenue I came to the memorial for Richard Morris Hunt.  I always look at the sculptures, but then I was amazed to notice this woman sitting in the memorial, apparently eating her dinner.  It really caught me by surprise, so I hurried to take a few photographs before she noticed me there.  Eventually she looked over for a second or two, then looked back at her dinner.  After I took the photographs, I walked over to her and said how much fun it was to find her in the memorial, and I said it made a nice photo, and thanks for being there.  I had never taken the time to find out who Richard Morris Hunt was.  He was an amazing architect who sculpted the face of New York City, it is said, including designs for the facade and Great Hall of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty, and many Fifth Avenue mansions now lost to the wrecking ball.  Wow!  Look what you can learn from Wikipedia (and my blog!)

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