Friday, August 31, 2018

Pastrami Sandwich!

I bet I haven't had a Pastrami Sandwich in thirty years!  If I go to the deli, I usually get roast beef.  Well the other day I suddenly, out of nowhere, I had this overwhelming desire for a pastrami sandwich!  Where did that come from?  I haven't a clue.  So I went over to the local deli and bought a Pastrami sandwich.  It was pretty large, and look how high the meat is stacked!  So I only ate half the sandwich, and saved the other half for lunch the next day.  It was absolutely delicious, just in case you are thinking of getting one for lunch!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My mouth is watering and I may need to go buy a pastrami sandwich for myself. We do "eat with our eyes". betsey