Friday, November 30, 2018

The Firehouse is Boarded Up!

The firehouse is all boarded up!  What happened?  What if there is a fire?  OK, I'm just being dramatic.  There's nothing wrong here.  This beautiful building was built in 1931, and the metal window frames after all this time, are leaking.  So they are taking all the old windows out and replacing them with new modern efficient windows.  But this building does look funny, doesn't it?

This really is a beautiful building - it's a gem!  Look at that old brick, and the beautiful wooden doors.  These are the doors that open by hand, so the fire trucks which are behind them, can race out to a fire.


Anonymous said...

At first I was sad when I saw this beautiful building boarded up. Happy to hear they are replacing windows and saving this fire house.

Ken Spencer said...

Thanks, Joan. It does look like something bad happened here. Sorry to worry you.

Anonymous said...

The building is gorgeous. Looks more like a church than a firehouse. Happy to read that the building is undergoing upgrades to the windows and that it will be saved. betsey