Friday, April 28, 2023

I Photograph the Drone...

... and the drone photographs me!  Stan came out again on Tuesday to try some of the sophisticated flying patterns that his drone is capable of.  It is such an amazing machine!  One of the patterns was to point the drone at the two of us in the middle of the field, and then draw a green box around us on his phone, which has the drone controlling software in it.  Then you hit "Go" and the drone flies around us in a circle while keeping its camera on us the whole time!  The first time it is close to us, then it backs away from us and continues to circle, all while doing video!  That was just one of the sophisticated methods is is capable of.  So I was photographing Stan and the drone, and he had the drone do some photographs of me!

And this is my photograph of his drone that you see me taking in the photograph up above.  Another fun day playing with drones and cameras!



Anonymous said...

I am amazed at the size of this Drone being so large. I think I expected it to be 1/4 or 1/8 the size. The technology between the Drone and Stan's phone circling you both is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I did not expect the drone to be so big. I It's great that you both love to play with the drone and its' camera! betsey

Ken Spencer said...

Oh man! It is not "that" big. It is tiny. It appears larger than it is because it is in the foreground, and Stan is further back s he seems small in comparison. Let me find a shot of it so you can see how small it is!