Wednesday, April 5, 2023

The Red Barn

Vince and Jo Anne moved to Webster a few years ago, and so I am slowly learning the new neighborhood.  I was on the way to Wegman's to bet some salad fixings to go with dinner tonight when I drove by this barn.  I have driven by it before but never really noticed it.  But I did today.  So I stopped to photograph it.  I always look a building, or any subject, actually, a number of different ways before photographing and I usually shoot it from different points of view.  This is one of the last photographs I did and it is different for me, because I put the tree right in the middle of the front of the barn!  Normally you want distractions away from the subject.  But my heart tells me this is the most interesting view, because it is unexpected.

Here is one of the other, more traditional views, and I thought it would be interesting to see one of the other ways I photographed this red barn.  It's nice because you can see the whole barn and all the windows and there is a white fence in the photograph for added interest.  But I like the first shot with the tree best.  Everyone is allowed to tell me which one they like best, however.



Anonymous said...

I like the one with the tree, but my favorite is the traditional one with the white fence and gorgeous green grass surrounding the beautiful barn. I guess I am a stubborn Yankee and it hard for me to change my ways. :-)

Anonymous said...

Here is another stubborn Yankee who really prefers the second photo showing the whole red barn along with the white fence. betsey

ken schwarz said...

I am conflicted! The top shot composition is interesting because the tree is a distraction. The bottom pic would be very pleasing if there had been a old tractor in the scene instead of a new pickup truck. It would not surprise me if an old tractor is stored inside the barn!

Linda said...

I love the first one with the tree. I love bare trees and how you can see the subject looking through the bare branches. That would be my keeper. I'd try to remove the vehicle.