Saturday, September 29, 2007

Casa Batlló

I have been up on the roof all day, working on my never ending project to tear off the old roof and put on a new one. I only hurt everywhere... Anyhow, I have a billion other nice photographs that I have taken over time, so I am showing you this one on a day of no photography for me. It is Casa Batlló by Antoni Gaudi, in Barcelona, Spain. We were on a family trip in 2006 and my daughter Liz wanted to travel to Barcelona, Spain, from Nice just to see the work of Gaudi. This is a room on the top floor in family residence, that cannot be imagined! It was built for a middle class family in 1905-1907 and it seems more modern than that. The building is quite famous so you may want to do a Google search and read more about it. The front facade is phantasmagorical, so maybe I will show you that view some other day that I am on up the roof again... Like tomorrow...

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