Tuesday, September 18, 2007


The assignment was to photograph a woman who was given a bad deal on converting her mortgage from variable rate to a fixed rate. The proposal by the company was some ridiculous rate, and a fee of $40,000 for the new mortgage! I photographed her as we talked about how unfair it was. Her face was very expressive, but I was thinking that my photographs were not flattering to her at all. Perhaps one of these would be really dramatic in the paper. But I couldn't in good conscience submit one of these. Instead I photographed her with a more "normal" expression, and submitted that photo instead.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Ha haaa haa, hilarious, Dad. You're so right. They would have picked it. I'm learning that stuff myself: The more embarrassing the photograph/quote someone provides, the more people want to print it.

That's good of you to save her from the horror! :)