Sunday, September 2, 2007

Last Year, This Year...

Do I look tired in this photo? I have been working on tearing off the two layers of roofing over the front porch, and then it will be on up to the peak of the house, over time. I started at 10 AM and worked until 5 PM, and I was seriously tired. I am holding on to a safety rope that I have tied to the chimney, and I am using roof jacks to keep me from sliding off the roof - it is pretty steep, and without roofing material on the wood, I would just slide down the roof and off into the bushes. Last year I put a new roof on the garage (With my daughter Liz' help) and this year, on my own, I will do the front half of the house. I hope to be done with the front roof of the house (and the dormer) by wintertime. Since I can only work on weekends, it will be a long project. Stay tuned...

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