Saturday, February 2, 2008

Lorina's Art

You remember me mentioning Lorina, right? She is a colleague at work and a good friend. She was imortalized in one of my early posts "Lorina doesn't want her picture taken!" She is a talented artist, and had one of her artworks accepted in a juried show at a local college. The opening was today, so a number of us from the workplace went to see the show. I took some snapshots but then the daughter of one of our colleagues wandered over and stood in front of the piece to study it. I grabbed the camera, and she walked away! Oh Noooooo! So I asked her mom to have her stand in front of the work again. I might as well be honest here. It is a shot for me, so I didn't mind recreating it. If this was for the newspaper it would be forbidden to do that.

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