Monday, November 2, 2009

HDR Moonrise

Have you seen the moon in the last few days? It is full tonight and because it is nearly overhead in the sky, it is incredibly bright. I looked out the upstairs widow just after dark, and saw the moon rising in the east, behind some high level clouds. It was a beautiful sight, with the silhouettes of the dark trees around the edge of the picture. The thing is, the brightness of the scene is too great for a camera to record. So I made 4 separate exposures, and then combined them in Photoshop using a technique called HDR, which stands for "High Dynamic Range." What it means is that you can see the moon, and detail in the clouds, and detail in the dark trees around the edge. Pretty, isn't it?


Anonymous said...

Very Pretty. I did see the full moon last night, but did not have all the clouds. I was viewing much earlier than you.

Ken Spencer said...

Yeah, I have no sense of time at all, and stay up until all hours of the night! Of course I ain't got no job I have to get up for in the morning... :-)