Saturday, March 3, 2018

The Cat Show

Wait!  The title of this post is "The Cat Show" and these are birds!  What gives?  Good question.  Kathy saw a notice in the paper that there was a cat and dog show at a college in Brentwood, so we decided to go down and take a look, just for fun.  I love cats, but 20 feet inside the front door there were two people from a wildlife rescue center, and they had two raptors with them.  This one is a Red-tailed hawk, and the one below is a Great Horned Owl.  These are absolutely beautiful birds!  We couldn't touch them, of course, but they we could get within a foot of them and see them in great detail. Please click on each of these photos to see more detail.

Then we went into the separate room where the cat show was.  I sat for a while and watched the judging for various categories.  I watched two of the judges, and it was wonderful to see that they really loved the cats they were judging.  They handled them with such care as they examined each of them to see how closely they matched the standards of the breed, and they were judged on coloring as well.  We saw some amazing and unfamiliar types of cats at the show.


Anonymous said...

Great photos. What a nice surprise to see the hawk and owl up close. Lets see more cat photos too.

Ken Spencer said...

The frustrating thing was that all the people who brought cats for judging had them in these large carriers on top of tables. The carriers were dark inside, because they had them covered with cloths so that it would be more relaxing for the cats. So we could see a lot of the cats, but photographing through the netting was impossible, unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

Love the photos of the hawk and the owl. I love the ruffle under the chin of the owl. And the hawk looks so soft. I would have liked to see more cat photos also so it's too bad they were in their cages. betsey