Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Eye in the Sky

For the first four days last week as I rode my bike around a corner on my route, I caught a glimpse of trees that were backlit by the sun, at a golf course.  I kept thinking that I needed to get the drone and come over to the golf course and see what kind of picture I could make out of it.  The problem is that there is a chain-link fence around the golf course, and there are trees blocking most of the view.  So the trick was to find a space above the fence, and below branches of the tree through which I could fly the drone.  I am an ace pilot so no problem!  I flew through the hole then on the other side climbed up to about 200 feet to take this photo.  I love how the world looks from the air.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

15th and 16th holes at North Shore Country Club I assume ? Look all too familiar from my caddying days - beautiful shot - well done. Love this new technology.