Monday, July 16, 2018

“Graft and Ash for a Three Monitor Workstation”

This was one of the artworks on display in one of the exhibits at ICP.  The exhibit is called "MULTIPLY, IDENTIFY, HER" and it features an intergenerational group of women artists whose work explores representations of identity. Working in photography, video, and film, through assemblage, collage, multipart portraiture, and the use of avatars both analogue and digital, these artists reckon with the complex and changeable elements that inform who we are. This piece is called “Graft and Ash for a Three Monitor Workstation,” and is modeled after exercise machines for office workers.  Viewers are invited to use the bicycle, while watching a video in which Perry’s digital avatar addresses them in the familiar monotone of a computer-generated female voice.  I couldn't figure out what all of that meant, and I didn't ride the exercise machine.  But it sure looks like an interesting collection of things, and I love the wires coming out of the wall

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