Saturday, November 30, 2019

Indian Pudding

I haven't had Indian Pudding in perhaps 20 years.  My mom used to make it for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I got her recipe years ago, and I made it a few times, but I was the only one who liked it, as I remember.  So I decided to make it for this Thanksgiving.  I was a bit puzzled by something in the recipe that I wasn't sure of, so I called Betsey, and she enlightened me.  So this is the result.  It is absolutely delicious!  It is made from corn meal, milk, butter, eggs, spices and molasses!  And, you have to serve it with vanilla ice cream.  Wow!

I had a cheering section in the kitchen while I was making the dish.  It is Jo Anne and Kathy.  Kathy and Jo Anne had never tasted the Indian Pudding before.  So they tried it, and they both said it was "good."  I was hoping for "this is the best dessert I have ever had!"  :-)


Anonymous said...

Bravo Ken. If you are not a New Englander/Yankee, you probably never heard of it. Who would think that cornmeal would make a scrumptious dessert. A Spencer tradition that Betsey took over making years ago. Always delicious and must be topped with vanilla ice cream.

Anonymous said...

I make Indian Pudding every Thanksgiving and Christmas! We all love it. And yes, we do eat it with vanilla ice cream :-) I am very happy that we talked about how to cook it so you would make it. Glad you did. Too bad your enthusiasm wasn't shared but I think it is an acquired taste for most people...betsey