Thursday, July 22, 2010

The End of an Era

I have been working on cleaning up the basement. I finally realized that I need to toss the hundreds of floppy disks, and the old unused hardware. I mean, people haven't used floppies for years, and yet I have saved so many of mine. So this is the end of an era for me to see this kind of hardware go. Others tossed this stuff years ago. And this, of course, is the key to why I have so much trouble trying to clean up!


Anonymous said...

i empathize with you
i've been doing the same thing, i make the mistake of checking the disks before i discard them tho
the depth perspective is interesting, you have a lot of space with which to purge...

Ken Spencer said...

In the interests of full disclosure, I got a frantic email from a good friend who said: "You're not throwing out THAT keyboard, are you?" So I took it out of the garbage can, and told him it is his! Whew - I HATE to throw anything out!