Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Out After Dark. Again.

About an hour after sunset, I was walking back home along the harbor, just looking out at the sky and the water. I didn't see anything that really grabbed my attention. At one spot along the sidewalk, I saw a faint pink color illuminating the railing and the ground. I looked up at the telephone pole that was holding the streetlight across the street and saw that light was a bright, deep pink - meaning it was a mercury vapor lamp. So even though there was only a faint pink in the scene, I started making exposures to see what the scene would look like as recorded by the camera. I was thrilled to see that in the camera, the pink was very obvious, especially when seen against the blue of the water in the harbor. It felt like winning the jackpot, and I was thankful that I had noticed that very faint tint in the first place. Oh, and I love that a figure was walking toward me at the same time.

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