Friday, February 3, 2012

Staying Out After Dark

Yesterday I went for a really long walk, and brought my camera with me, of course. I walked all the way to the power plant, with stops about every ten feet! It certainly wasn't much of an exercise walk, but I found all kinds of photographs. And I crept through a fence so I could explore an area by the harbor I have never seen. It was so much fun, and I was making so little progress in terms of the distance walked, that before long it was dark. Well, that gave me some new options for photographs. These two red lights jumped out at me - sort of like evil eyes or something. I love how brilliant they are, and how dark and moody the background is. A completely different feeling from most of the photographs I post.


Dean said...

Hey Ken-
Yes, I know how those sorts of walks go - you have every intention of a heartrate-raising trek and you need to stop every 20 seconds to examine something! I guess the problem is that we walk in too interesting a neighborhood!

Ken Spencer said...

Hi Dean: Yes, that is absolutely what happened! Every 20 feet! :-) And I started out my walk thinking there was no hope of finding a photograph for the blog on this day! I think I found six... :-)