Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thought Experiment

I was headed off to the dentist today, thinking that I needed to find a photograph for the blog, before the end of the day. I started thinking about the possibilities. I was having trouble trying to come up with something. Everything I thought of, I had shot before. So much for thinking. Then I noticed raindrops making circles in the puddles alongside the road. I vowed to stop on the way back. I did, and spent time at several different spots. I tried the pond first, then two different puddles. The strange thing was seeing the giant bubbles. Turns out they are the result of big drops of water coming off the trees that were overhead. I was amazed how often the large bubbles formed. I shot a LOT of pictures, just to get one good one. I would never know where the next bubble would form, and it was hard to quickly focus in time before the bubble burst. I love all the different sizes of intersecting circles.


Fred Krellenstein said...

Congratulations, Ken....your hard work resulted in a great shot..your ingenuity is impressive!

Anonymous said...

Very cool photo. Only you would see this and capture it!

Anonymous said...

a picture in a puddle. your thinking gets us thinking. what are we missing by not looking at things more closely? ken, you've provided a valuable life lesson: stop and appreciate your surroundings; look for nature's artful gifts; don't be in such a rush because life is passing before us quickly enough. let each lovely scene in our small, small blessed world fill your days, especially the rainy ones.

Ken Spencer said...

Thank you all for your nice comments. The picture was an act of desperation! :-) Amazing what you can come up with when you are under pressure. But I really do appreciate all of you who take the time to comment. It helps to keep me going.

Anonymous said...

I really like this. I got an image of this design in sand...You never know where great design will come from. bsk