Sunday, July 7, 2013

Another Painful Goodbye

We are loosing another priest at church.  This is Father Greg, and he is our good friend.  St Brigid's was his first assignment in a parish, and everyone here loves him.  He should have been here for a total of six years, but he is leaving with three years to go, because they need him at the Seminary to work on the curriculum there.  It is a painful loss for us.  We will still be in touch with him, but he won't be around on Sundays any more and that seems like a great loss.  They had a party for him after Mass today, and so many people turned out to say goodbye and have their pictures taken with him.


Anonymous said...

I'm heartened by the clergy who form bonds with their flock. With soo much evil in the Catholic church that has taken center stage for so many years, it's nice to see that there are still those who earn trust and affection from people who believe in them. Who knows why a man or woman would give up what we traditionally call a family life to live one of modesty and prayer? We realize now that not all of these people have pure thoughts in mind, but for the majority who are determined to devote their lives to God for the betterment of others who may need guidance, I salute their dedication and am thankful for their unselfish motivation.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Ken I have to comment on the comment made above as it is clearly made by a very unhappy person. There is an incredible amount of love and community in the Catholic Church and I take exception to the comment that there is "so much evil" in the Catholic Church. There are bad people everywhere and in every religion but the deeds of bad Priests, Imans or Rabbis does not translate into a religion being or having evil. Why would a person become a priest to live a life of modesty and prayer ? You would have to ask them - I suggest you search out a local Church and enter into a dialogue with one of the great many Priests in the Catholic Church - I am sure they will tell you they got a calling from God. The devote their lives to spreading the good word and carrying out the works of Jesus. I am truly amazed at the unselfish and incredibly busy lives of Priests these days especially as they are a dwindling number and many are covering multiple parishes. Personally, I look forward to the day when we can finally have women Priests.

Ken Spencer said...

When I was leaving the going away parties for both of the priests who are leaving, I was touched by the fact that after twelve years in one case, and three years in the other case, that these wonderful priests were leaving their "family." They have come to know so many people in the parish personally, and have ministered to them in time of need and in times of loss. They have come to feel the love of so many parishioners, and I realized what a family that they now have. And then I tried to imagine how incredibly difficult it is for them to pack up and move on to other assignments, and then start getting to know new parishioners one by one, all over again. It seems as if is such a painful process, to leave your entire family and move on. I am sure it takes a toll. Personally, in the same circumstances, I don't know if I would be capable of giving up and starting all over again. It must be emotionally exhausting.