Friday, August 23, 2013

The Bored Meeting

Our astronomy club is required to hold a certain number of board meetings for officers and board members during the year. Sometimes they get a bit tedious with all the endless discussions.  Sometimes some people get bored.  Of course, it wasn't boring tonight.  You can see that everyone is pretty excited...


ken schwarz said...

Great picture! I love it! It's so perfect that I can't help but wonder if you got the bored board members to pose for the picture. If not, then Dunkin' Donuts needs to up the caffeine count.

Photodude Images said...

Maybe a switch from Dunkies to Starbucks is in order.

Ken Spencer said...

You guys are funny! Only Starbucks doesn't sell THEIR coffee by the box, as in "Box O Joe" Excuse me, it is ONLY by the individually brewed cup... :-) Even double strength coffee might not keep people awake with some of the endless discussions. Ah, democracy!