Wednesday, October 28, 2015

White Paint

I have been looking at a lot of white paint lately.  I do love to paint, and I particularly love to paint things with white paint - it makes everything so fresh and clean looking.  I have been staring into a can of white paint for about a couple of weeks now as I put two coats of paint on the new addition.  I have to look into the can each time I dip the brush in, so I don't put too much paint on the brush.  Then I stare at the shingles as I paint all of them white.  There is something almost mystical about looking into a can of white paint.  I can't seem to put it any other way.


Dean said...

Ken- I think you are trying to say it's a Zen Thing... I used to feel that way about mopping the floor at the Mirror Lab. No one thought the boss should be doing it, but I enjoyed getting "in the zone"... -Dean

Anonymous said...

I think you're inhaling too many fumes :-) bsk

Anonymous said...

Would you clarify, please? Is it that you enjoy painting anytime, anywhere? Or is it just painting for your own needs that you love? Because, if it's the former, every room in our small home needs to be painted (stripped of wallpaper, first) and we sure could use the help of someone who has such a good time holding a paintbrush full of pigment! And white is perfectly acceptable to us. Post here if you'd like to get started soon. We won't charge you a penny for all of the enjoyment you'll derive from the job!

Ken Spencer said...

Believe it or not, I painted most of the next door neighbor's house. In that case I painted it gray, which was the color that it already was. It was fun to apply gray paint too. So I have painted at least one other house that was not mine. A random act of kindness.

Ken Spencer said...

Dean: You nailed it. It is a Zen thing. And somehow the white is part of that - white on white on white. Oh, and Betsey: The second coat of paint is acrylic paint and essentially has no fumes. Sorry to disappoint you... :-)