Monday, July 29, 2024

A Traffic Minder

At the top of our street there is a cross street.  I always turn left on the cross street, and then in about fifty feet is a sharp ninety-degree turn to the right.  Cars coming and going around this corner, in so many cases, are going too fast.  Crazy that at a blind corner, because trees block the view as you are turning, that cars go around it at high speed sometimes.  So recently the house on this corner was sold and the new people are younger, from what I have seen.  Then suddenly this little green flagman appeared on the corner.  And then later it would be dressed differently, depending on the season.  One time I saw the owner out changing the clothes, and I am sorry I didn't stop and tell him that I really love what he is doing with the flagman.  But it is a sharp corner and there was no place to stop.



Anonymous said...

So creative and so cute!!

Anonymous said...

Love this idea. Very cute!

Betsey said...

This is adorable! Betsey