Thursday, July 18, 2024

Just Another Sunset

When we were at the Gordon's for dinner a few nights ago with Liz and Amy and Vivian, the sun was setting, so of course I had to photograph it.  I thought that this was a different kind of sunset, because it is more about the arrangement of the trees within the frame, than about the sunset itself. It's not just another photograph of the sky with the sun going down. I am always looking for different ways of seeing things.  Some times I am successful, sometimes not... 



Anonymous said...

Very different. Love it!

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful photo. It not only accentuates the beauty of the color in the sunset but also the delicate and dainty shape of the tree leaves. The water in the background looks so calm and peaceful. The photo captures the end of a day beautifully. Trace

Ken Spencer said...

Thank you both for your comments. Trace, you have seen so much here! I can't put pictures into words, but you are able to do that! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

This is a different type of sunset. I love all the shades of sienna peeking through the trees. Betsey