Sunday, July 21, 2024

Well, I'm only a little bit red...

It gets pretty frustrating to not be able to ride my bike because of the heat.  I did go out the other day when it was 82 degrees and I thought I was going slow but when I got home after my 10 miles I was pretty red in the face, which is the first sign that I am overdoing it!  And I had regular times for my route.  So today I thought it was 82 and so I knew to watch my times really carefully to make sure I was really riding much slower.  So I watched very carefully.  I have a fast reading thermometer on my handlebars, and the surprise was that after a mile or so, the temp had gone up to 84, and half way through the ride it was up to 86!  Yikes!  BUT...  I was going SO slow it wasn't even funny.  I usually go up the steep hills at 5 or 6 MPH, but today I was only doing 2.5 MPH.  That is so slow that it feels as if I will fall over because I won't be able to maintain my balance when going that slow.  So today my 45 minute ride took exactly one hour and I took a photograph to see if I was red.  It is hard to tell the color looking into a mirror in the house.  As you can see, I did a good job because there is almost no redness at all in my face.  What is funny is, that because I was going so slow, it felt as if I wasn't really getting any exercise!  But even going slow was better than sitting on the front porch reading!



Anonymous said...

I commend you for continuing to exercise in this heat. I don't even want to walk when it is so hot and humid. Be careful!

ken schwarz said...

Self Portrait: "The Cyclist"

Anonymous said...

I don’t mind doing errands in the heat and humidity but I am not walking like usual. I am amazed that you are still .cycling even if you’re trying to go slower. Nice photo! Betsey