Saturday, July 13, 2024

The Cousins Gathering

We had a family gathering that was for all the cousins to get together.  That is, our children and the children of Kathy's brothers and sister.  Adults were invited as well and my sisters who live not far away from the gathering in Cheshire.  So it was a wonderful crowd which assembled, and a bit of drama as both Vivian and Pat's daughter came down with ear infections.  So Pat and his daughter had to leave for urgent care and couldn't be there for the photograph.  But Liz photographed the two of them when they had returned after others in the group had left, so there was no do-over.  But, through the magic of Photoshop Pat and his daughter were added to the group!  Everyone is doing fine, I should add.  And what a wonderful gathering!  This is an extra large image so if you click on it you can see everyone larger.

This is Cormac.  He and I were sitting talking about things that interest him and he mentioned swimming and specifically the crawl.  I explained that I have no idea how to do that!  He is on a swim team.  He was headed to the pool and so he demonstrated the crawl as I walked alongside the pool and photographed him.



Anonymous said...

Great photo of a wonderful day. Happy you could add Patrick and his daughter to the photo. Thanks so much to Trace and her family for hosting so many.

Anonymous said...

What a nice day to visit with Kathy’s relatives. So many interesting stories. Good idea to photoshop Patrick and Finlay onto the photo! Betsey

Anonymous said...

Nice family photo and great shot of Cormac doing the crawl stroke. Glad you were able to get Pat and Finley in as well. It was such a nice day with everyone. Trace