Monday, July 15, 2024

Exploring the Beach

We went down to the beach at the foot of Laurel Avenue this morning.  It was at low tide, which meant there was so much to see with the tide out.  Vivian found a couple of small dead crabs, for starters.  On the sandy shorelines of the Pacific Ocean, there is not much to find in the strong surf.  Here on the north shore of Long Island, when the tide is out we are left with a rocky and sandy beach with all kinds of things to see.

Here is a complete crab which was underwater until the tide went out.  I do wonder why this crab, and some smaller ones we saw, died here.

Vivian really enjoyed herself because everywhere she looked, there were new things to see and then to ask about.

And here is a fish that Vivian found.  I have never seen a fish like this.  I don't think it can be a "minnow" because they are so small.  Here Liz is holding it so I can photograph it.

I walked away from the group do some exploring, and when I looked back I enjoyed seeing how small everyone was at the beach.  Kathy is on the right in her beach chair.



Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the photos. Looks like it was great family time at the beach and what a fascinating place for kids and adults. Trace

Anonymous said...

Looks like a very interesting and fun day exploring. We grew up on Long Island Sound so took it all for granted exploring the sandbars and shoreline. I remember stepping around holes and then digging for claims. I never thought about the beaches on the Pacific Coast being so completely different because of the strong surf.

Anonymous said...

We loved low tide as kids with all the snails and crabs and interesting shells. I never thought about the beaches being different. Learn something new every day! Great family day with all your “girls”. They have fun and you photograph the experience. Betsey

Liz Spencer said...

I love the contrast of our pink and orange hats and Vivi's shirt against the blues and browns of the sand, rocks, and water. So glad we got to spend some time at the shoreline! I brought home some beach glass :) -Liz