Monday, July 22, 2024

Our Ice Maker Doesn't Work...

We have had our refrigerator for a number of years now.  We never bought an extended warranty with anything, but we did for this fridge, fortunately.  We have had a lot of problems with our ice maker.  We have had it replaced several times, under warranty..  Then there was a problem with the freeze/defrost cycle.   So our ice maker no longer works.  So we use ice cube trays.  When Liz and Amy were here, we bought a bag of ice and put the cubes in baking dishes in the freezer.  But guess what...  The defrost cycle gets too warm, and all the ice cubes stuck together after a day or two.  So I took this baking dish with the frozen together cubes out by the back door and let them defrost before pouring the water on the lawn.  The minute I got out doors with the humidity, they frosted over and the whole thing looked so strange.  "Worth a picture," I thought...  Please click on this to see it larger - it is such an strange looking ghostly "thing." 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are such a funny shape - square with holes. I would not have guessed ice cubes. You never know where you will find a photo… Betsey