Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Fog Week III

These are gas fired"peaking turbines" behind the brick wall that are started up usually at around 4 or 5 PM  late in the day. As night approaches, people come home from work and turn on the lights and start cooking dinner and use more electricity. They are interesting looking pieces of equipment and I have photographed them a number of times, but never quite got "the" photograph.  But I think I finally have a photograph that I love.  The fog makes these generators look mysterious and maybe a bit ominous, I think.  I shot this in color and the picture was all orange from the mercury vapor lights.  So I converted it to black & white to remove the distraction of color.



Anonymous said...

Very strange to look at in the fog, but a one of a kind photo.

Anonymous said...

The first thing I thought of was alien space ships from a black and white movie...betsey

Ken Spencer said...

I am so glad that you both got the sense of dread or something, which I was feeling but was not sure that others would feel this.