Sunday, January 31, 2010


Wow, was it COLD again this morning. 14 degrees! Yikes. Looked out the window kind of absent-mindedly and happened to see this grouping of frost crystals right under my nose. Quickly ran to the basement to grab the Nikon with the Macro lens on it, which is needed for close-ups. I shot quickly because it only takes a hint of direct sunlight to melt the crystals. It's funny, there were all kinds of crystal formations on the glass, but my eye went right to this one, and it was the only one I photographed. I first did just the larger part, then backed up just a bit and got the little thingie on the bottom, which added more interest, I thought. I can't offer any impressions of what feels like for me. Just think of it as your own personal Rorschacht test. Let me know what you come up with.


Anonymous said...

It looks like ferns, but then with the blue background, I see a moon in the sky. Great photo - good thing you have a macro lens!

Anonymous said...

So delicate and so beautiful!
Glad you caught it.

Ken Spencer said...

FERNS! Of course! The other thing is, that little thing on the bottom looks like a milkweed seed on the breeze, I think. I love your Moon suggestion. Thank you both for the nice comments.

Anonymous said...

The image does look like ferns. I'm glad you kept the "thingie" in the bottom of the photo - it does add interest. I really like this one. bsk