Thursday, September 16, 2010

Public Access TeeVee

I am going to be on Public Access TeeVee! Or at least I think I might be. I received an email from a non-profit that they wanted to interview someone about astronomy, from the amateur side, and so I agreed. So I brought two of my telescopes to the planetarium today, and set them up and sat down for a half-hour interview. The young woman on the left is a film-student and she did the interview, and the woman on the right is the producer of the project. I am not sure of what to expect, but it was an interesting process. I was able to suggest that beginners in the hobby of astronomy should start by visiting the planetarium, and our club, for information on how to get started. I hope that part doesn't end up on the cutting room floor.


Anonymous said...

Cool! Do you know when? I would love to watch.

Anonymous said...

How exciting! I hope they don't cut out any of the interview. Would love to catch this on TV - keep us posted. bsk

Ken Spencer said...

It will only appear on Cablevision here on Long Island. BUT... I am hoping I can get a DVD from the producer so we can all see itl