Monday, September 20, 2010

The Regal Cat

I looked into the dining room today and saw one of the kitties in profile. She looked so regal. There is a thing that cats do sometimes, like this, where they seem to tuck their chins into their chest. She looks so regal like this, especially in profile, don't you think. Oh, the kitties are NOT allowed on the dining room table! Not! So, once I got my photograph, then I had to shoo her off the table. The nerve of her!


Anonymous said...

This is gorgeous! That's one of my favorite Wyeths on the wall, and I love the cat/dog counterpoint. Also love the negative shapes formed by the cat, chair, and vase.


Ken Spencer said...

Thanks, MJ. I think it was the curve of this kitty's back that first grabbed me. Uhhh... should I say I never made the connection with the Wyeth dog on the bed in the print in the background. That's a photographer for you... :-)