Monday, November 1, 2010

The Mature Master Speaks

This is my great friend and work colleague for 41 years. His name is Dick Kraus and he was at Newsday longer than I was, but he started perhaps 10 or 15 years before I did. When I arrived there, still wet behind the ears, I learned there were two classes of photographers: the "Mature Masters" and the "Snot Nosed Kids." Guess which one I was... :) Dick was a mature master when I arrived and over the years I watched him bring back amazing photographs. Tonight he spoke at a library, so I drove out to hear him and see some of his pictures. It was a wonderful trip down memory lane. This is a photograph of one of the Tall Ships from many years ago.

1 comment:

Bunny said...

Rather Hitchcockish I'd say.