Thursday, July 7, 2011


I photographed this cairn a couple of weeks ago when the tide was out. I have checked on it when I sit on the bench by the water after my ride. The cairn stayed together for a few days, but then when it got windy, and waves formed, it was knocked down. Then whoever made it, put the stones back up again. This is funny, but every time I saw it, it was low tide, until today. It looked so cool to see the top of the cairn, and I saw immediately that it looked like a monk, looking out over the water. Fortunately, I had my toy camera on the bike. You remember the rule - always bring the camera!


Anonymous said...

I went back to look at the first photo. Had no idea it would be in the water at high tide. Enjoying such a different look.

Anonymous said...

I also went back to look at the first photo. The first time I looked at that photo and again this time, the angle of the shot made me think the stones were much larger than they actually are. Nice.