Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Westbound, Again

Winslow, Arizona, from 35,000 feet. Westbound again, headed to California. Oh happy day! Going to visit Liz and Amy, and while it is 95 degrees in New York, it is only 73 degrees in Venice. I was amazed that about 90 percent of the window shades were drawn on the airplane. I cannot imagine flying across the United States without looking out the window to see the amazing landscape below. I loved the bleak landscape, the puffy white clouds, and the cloud shadows. I only got two exposures before the aircraft moved on.


Bunny said...

?Standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona, Such a fine site to see!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can hear Bunny singing! :-) Enjoy your trip and big hugs to Liz & Amy.

Anonymous said...

I'm humming "Take it Easy" by the Eagles as I type this...
More big hugs to Liz, Amy & Gus!!!

Anonymous said...

i thought i was the only person that took pictures while in an airplane.

Ken Spencer said...

I received this note from a good friend who feels the same way I do about looking out airplane windows:
"It is the ability to see things and phenomena never visible in our usual world.

Seeing airport "stuff," lights, fixtures, and old planes adds to the joy of watching the ground recede (or approach) and makes takeoffs and landings some of my favorite times on a flight. Besides, the sounds of engines, movements of control surfaces, etc. all are part of my wide-eyed curiosity.

During a flight, meteorological optics, cloud patterns, land formations, reflections from water etc. as well as structures, during both daytime and night, all contribute to an experience VASTLY superior to what I could EVER see on television."

Anonymous said...

well said, that is it!! :)