Monday, January 30, 2012

I Went Looking For Something...

...and I found something else. But photography is like that. Life is like that too. I was driving along the shore and glanced up at the Sycamore trees and looked into the upper branches - sort of a close-up view, instead of the wide angle view of all the trees in a line along the shore. So I parked the car and walked back along the line of trees, looking for the best tree top. But then I looked along the line of trees illuminated by late afternoon light and realized I had a good picture, but only if there was a person way off in the distance. So I waited for about ten minutes until this woman and her dog came along. Bingo!


Anonymous said...

Love this photo - the lighting, trees forming an arch & of course that you patiently waited for the person to appear. :-)

Anonymous said...

There's something almost surreal about this photo. Fascinating. But what are the square shadows on the sidewalk?

Anonymous said...

The "square shadows on the sidewalk"..might they be from the backs of the benches?

Ken Spencer said...

They are, indeed, the shadows of the backs of the benches. Good call!